Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Research team

Dolors Comas d'Argemir (Principal Researcher)

Doctorate from the University of Barcelona (1978). University professor. Postdoctoral stays at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Socials and at the Laboratoire d'Antropologie Social (Paris), and at Goldsmiths College (London). Between 1986 and 1990 has participated in the International Group on Social Transition, led by Dr. Maurice Godelier. Initial research focused on changes in the peasant family from the perspective of kinship, economic anthropology, and political ecology, with fieldwork in different areas of the Pyrenees. She also researched gender, women, and work. Are fruit of this stage the books Trabajo, género y cultura  - La construcción de desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres (1995), Antropología económica (1998) and Andorra, una economía de frontera (2003). Between 1995 and 2006, she was councilor of the Tarragona City Council, member of the Parliament of Catalonia and councilor of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia. She currently presides over the Nous Horitzons Foundation. From this double academic and political perspective, she has worked on the right to care and to be cared for, violence against women, public policies and the media, applying the gender perspective and the analysis of social inequalities. She is currently researching on old age, dependency situations, and care needs, and coordinates the research team on men's involvement in long-term care.


Carla Aguilar Cunill

Master in Migration and Social Mediation, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2008-2011. Degree in Political Science and Administration, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2004-2008. PhD student in the Department of Business Management (currently), under the direction of Ignasi Brunet Icart and Amado Alarcón Alarcón, with Martí Franquès scholarship.


Natalia Alonso Rey

PhD. on Anthropology from the URV (2017) obtaining the mention Excel-lent Cum laude. Graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universidad de la República (Uruguay) in 2008 and Master in Migration and Social Mediation from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2011), with an extraordinary prize at the end of studies. In 2012 she obtained a grant from IPEC (Institut de Patrimoni Etnològic de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya) to carry out a research project entitled "Migracions, objectes i memòries." This research continued the line of interest developed during the Master in Migrations, and that has given sequence in her doctoral studies, in the areas of migrations, material culture, memory, identities. During the period 2010-2013, she worked as a research support technician in the Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work (URV).


Xabier Ballesteros Olazabal

Director of Social Services Centre (CSS) at Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample, Barcelona Council. He is member of community mutual support group, la Colla Cuidadora.


Tomasa Báñez Tello

She began her professional life as a social worker in a center of basic social services of the City Council of Zaragoza, and later joined the University of Zaragoza as a teacher of social work. Already working as a teacher, she broadened her academic training with the Bachelor and Doctorate in Social and Cultural Anthropology. During her career, she has combined teaching activity with research on social work, gender, and citizen participation and with participation in various international university cooperation projects. In addition to academic management, as academic coordinator of the Degree in Social Work at the University of Zaragoza and with management responsibilities in the college organization, as vice president of the College of Social Workers of Aragon and as a member of the General Council of Colleges of Social Workers of Spain.


Yolanda Bodoque Puerta

Doctorate Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology with the thesis "Discursos y prácticas sobre salud reproductiva y sexual: los centros de planificación familiar" (Discourses and practices on reproductive and sexual health: family planning centres) in November 1996. Main lines of interest: gender, biographical memory, female migrations, the crisis of social reproduction and women's caravans to rural areas. It is currently part of the research project on male caregivers and the project on reagrarization initiatives in rural areas. All of them have resulted in various publications in the form of articles in specialized journals, book chapters and research reports, and in participation in congresses and conferences at both national and international levels. She has carried out research stays as an FPI scholarship holder (at the Université de Nanterre, Paris X), postdoctoral positions within the ERASMUS STA programme at the ISCTE in Lisbon (Portugal) and at the Université de Fribourg (Switzerland) and as a guest lecturer and researcher at the Universidade de Campinas (SP), Brazil. As a professor, she has worked at the Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia (1997-2001) at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2002-present). Since 2017 she coordinates the master's degree in Urban Anthropology, Migrations and Social Intervention.  


Carlos Chirinos         

Social anthropologist graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2010), and Master in Medical Anthropology and International Health from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV, 2015), Spain. He is currently a doctoral student in Anthropology and Communication at the URV. Since 2008 he has been linked to several studies related to the field of social policies in education and health in contexts of social inequality, as well as local studies concerning family relations and child care in mainly rural areas of the Andes and the Peruvian jungle. Currently, as a doctoral student, he focuses his interest on elderly male caregivers in contexts of illness and disability during marriage in Spain. Another recent line of interest is food studies and their acculturation processes.


Mónica Gelambí Torrell

Doctorate from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, with mention of European doctorate, 2004, with the thesis "Avaluació de les polítiques publiques des de la perspectiva de la teoria del gènere: una alternativa a la societat patriarcal." She graduated in Law from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona in 1996 and Political Science and Administration from the Universitat de Barcelona in 2001. For more than ten years she has been dedicated to analyzing, studying and designing instruments to implement transversal gender management in organizations. She has worked mainly with municipalities, specializing in local public policies. In recent years she has begun to worry about how to include gender equality within corporate social responsibility policies in order to achieve women's empowerment. She is increasingly interested in Latin America and the development that these policies are having in the region.


Maria Offenhenden

Doctor in Anthropology from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2017), she was a predoctoral fellow at DAFITS. Degree in Anthropology, socio-cultural orientation, from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (2007) and Master in Migration and Social Mediation from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2012). Between 2005 and 2010 she worked on numerous social intervention projects aimed at the migrant population living in Italy. Areas of interest: Anthropology of migration, gender, and health.


Carmina Puig Cruells

Professor of Social Work, at the Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work. Degree in Psychology (Univ. Ramon Llull, 2000) and Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology (URV, 2009). Her thesis on "La supervisión en la intervención social" has won the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize. Postgraduate in Counselling (Univ. Ramon Llull, 2001) and Systemic Coaching (UAB, 2009) and Master in Anthropology of Medicine and International Health (URV, 2007). She collaborates with institutions and the administration in the areas of social welfare and health, in issues of social supervision of teams of professionals and research - innovation of social intervention methodologies and the systematization of social practices. She has been visiting professor and researcher in some Latin American universities, such as the Univ. Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), the Univ. Nacional de México or the Univ. de la Rep. de Uruguay, among others. She has been invited to Spanish universities such as Granada, Complutense de Madrid, Alicante, and Zaragoza.


Mireia Roca Escoda

Diploma in Social Work (2000) and Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2003) from the Universidad de Barcelona. Master's degree in Ethnographic Research from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2012). She has experience as a social worker in the field of labor insertion of people with severe mental disorders (2004-2009) and the field of care for dependent persons (since 2009). Co-creator in 2014 of a social intervention project with elderly people through bodywork called "Bellànima, espai d'expressió per a la vellesa." She is currently reconciling her professional practice with ethnographic research, coordinating a Home Care Service and carrying out a doctorate in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB) to deepen the study of the social organization of care, gender, and public policies. She has also participated as a researcher in the RecerCaixa project "Hombres cuidadores. Challenges and opportunities to reduce gender inequalities and address new care needs".


Montserrat Soronellas Masdeu

Doctor in Anthropology from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2002). She is a professor in the Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work at the URV. She has coordinated the Master's programs in Migrations and Social Mediation (2007-2015) and in Urban Anthropology, Migrations and Social Intervention (2013-2016) at the URV. Teaching on family, kinship, migrations and multiculturalism, families and migratory networks and Final Master's Work. Her lines of research are: Social reproduction, family and kinship; International female migrations; Transnational families; Transformation of agrarian societies and the role of women; and New ruralities.


Ramona Torrens Bonet

Diploma in Social Work, Degree in Social Anthropology and Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). Extraordinary Doctorate Award of the Urban Studies and Social Movements programme 2009-2010. She was head of studies at the Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social de Tarragona, attached to the URV (1993-2001), with more than 20 years' experience in carrying out different tasks of teaching coordination and university management. She has participated in social intervention projects in Valencia and Tarragona; also in the creation of the Reus Strategic Plan and Agenda 21, "Reus Mañana" (2009-2010). Currently, she is a member of the Dean's team of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and responsible for the Degree in Social Work. Her basic research lines are: Feminine migrations, Attention to dependency, Public policies and social initiative in the provision of social services, Socio-educational intervention with children, Community development Advice to third sector entities.
