Some of the subjects studied in this line are: Gender, sexuality, migrations, transnational studies, new religious forms, ethnographic and biographical narratives, organitzations, youth studies and media.
Enric Castelló (Professor at DAC)

He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the URV and a member of the Asterisc Communication Research Group. Doctor by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2005) and accredited for Full Professor (2018). His research experience focuses on the study of organisational communication, the media and representations. His latest research focuses on aspects related to communication and forest fires, communication and the concept of commons, or communication and geographical indications. He has been a visiting researcher at Glasgow Caledonian University and Loughborough University. He has published in numerous international journals and was awarded the Article of the Year Award by the European Journal of Communication (2007). His latest books include Identidades mediáticas. Introducción a las teorías, métodos y casos (Ediuoc 2008) and Comunicación y ser de la organización (Tirant lo Blanch Humanidades 2019). Personal web
Dolors Comas D'Argemir (Professor at DAC)

PhD by the University of Barcelona (1978). Postdoctoral stays at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Socials and Laboratoire d'Antropologie Social (Paris,1984) and at Goldsmiths College (London,1991). Between 1986 and 1990 he participated in the International Group on Social Transition, led by Dr. Maurice Godelier. Initial research focused on changes in the peasant family from the perspective of kinship, economic anthropology and political ecology, with fieldwork in different areas of the Pyrenees. She has applied the gender perspective and has carried out research on women, jobs and care. Between 1995 and 2006 she has been councillor of the Tarragona city council, deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia and councillor of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia. She currently presides the Horitzons Nous Foundation. From this double academic and political perspective, she has worked on the right to care and to be cared for, violence against women, public policies and the media, applying the gender perspective and the analysis of social inequalities. She currently conducts research on older people, dependency situations and care needs, and coordinates a research team on men's involvement in long-term care. She is also the coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Anthropology and Communication.
Maria Ramon Cubells Bartolomé (Professor at DAC)

She holds a PhD on Philosophy (Univ. of Barcelona, 1993). Teaching at URV since 1992. Visiting professor at the Univ. of Barcelona and the Univ. of Granada. Her research activity focuses on 17th and 18th century's western thinking, specialized in the philosophy of G.W. Leibniz. She belongs to the permanent project "Leibniz in Spanish" and to the "Leibniz Iberoamerican Network". Member of the research group EIDOS ("Hermeneutics, Platonism and Modernity") and of the GEFCA, "Research Group on Classic German Philosophy". Editor of Volume 14, Obras filosóficas y científicas. Correspondencia I of G.W. Leibniz (Comares, 2007). She is currently vice-president of the Spanish Leibniz Society for Baroque ad Enlightenment Studies. Member of the Catalan Society of Philosophy (IEC).
Cristina García Moreno (Professor at DAC)

She holds a PhD on Urban Anthropology Urbana (Rovira i Virgili Univ., 2011), excellent cum laude and Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Bachelor in Sociology (Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona, 2002) and on Social Work (Univ. of Barcelona, 1995). She teaches at URV since 2003. Postdoctoral stays at Univ. Moulay Ismaïl (Morocco), at Univ. Estadual de Campinas (Sao Paulo, Brazil) and at Univ. of La Habana (Cuba). Researcher in different projects related to gender issues, migrations and transnational trajectories. In 2013, she received the Award of Academic Activity by the Rovira i Virgili University. Current external evaluator of CSIC's publications related to Colecciones CSIC. Some of her research line are: Transnational migration; Cuban migration; migration and gender; migrations for love and mixt marriages (bi-nationals, transnational sentimental relationships).
Jan Gonzalo Iglesia (Professor at DAC)

He holds a degree in Geography and History from the University of Lleida and in Journalism from the Rovira i Virgili University. He is currently an Interinp Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the URV. Member of the Asterisc research group, since 2010 he is Doctor in Communication (URV). He is currently the professor responsible for subjects such as History and Structure of Communication, Theory of Communication and Public Opinion. His lines of research are focused on the processes of Risk Communication of emerging technologies, the representation of historical processes and conflicts through board games and the application of games in education. On these issues, he is participating in various international projects such as EUritage. Paisatge i patrimoni identitari d'Europa: ciutats catedralícies com a memòries vives (Recercaixa 2015) or Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors (European Research Area for Climate Services, 2017)
Joan Josep Pujadas Muñoz (Professor at DAC)

Distinguished Professor by the Rovira i Virgili Univ., URV (2015). PhD by the Univ. of Barcelona (1977) with an ethnolinguistic thesis entitled "Ethnolinguistic of 'Alto Aragon': ethnoscience and folk taxonomies". Between 1979 and 1999 he did many postdoc stays in EUA, Portugal, France, Mexico, and Ecuador. Over forty years he has carried out many different research projects related to (1) identity and socio-economic transformations of the Pyrenees; (2) ethnographic study of working districts with undergoing strong social transformations, in the cities of Tarragona, Barcelona and Lisbon; and (3) study of migratory processes, from a critique attitude to multiculturalism and the traditional view of social anthropology, very oriented to the ethnicity.
Jordi Roca Girona (Professor at DAC)

PhD by the Univ. of Barcelona (1992). Accredited as a full professor for the Spanish public agency ANECA (2012). Since 2006, he has been principal investigator, continuously, of different R+D+I projects funded by the Spanish National Plan for Research and other projects funded by competitive calls, focused on the different gender dimensions present in the so-called "Migrations for love" and mixed couples or bi-nationals. Director of the Department from 2008 to 2012. He has also been the coordinator of the doctoral programme on Urban Anthropology (Quality Awarded), lately on Anthropology and on Anthropology and Communication, as well as responsible of the Master on
Montserrat Soronellas Masdeu (DAC Professor)

PhD on Anthropology (Rovira i Virgili Univ., 2002). Coordinator of two Master programmes of the Department (2007-2016). She has conducted research on the field of family and kinship, in the context of the mechanisms of reproduction and transformation of agrarian and rural societies, on which she has published several articles and books. She also studies international migrations, with a special interest on transnational families and the impact of migration in rural areas. Her latest research projects addresses new agrarian and rural living initiatives, as well as care and gender inequality.