Mabel Gracia Arnaiz (Principal Researcher)
I am a professor of Social Anthropology at the URV. I have been a visiting researcher at the Center Edgar Morin (CNRS, Paris), CIESAS (DF), Université de Toulouse Le Mirail 2, Institute of Nutrition of the UERJ or SOAS Food Studies Center (University of London), among others. My line of studies has focused on building the field of food anthropology in Spain, having coordinated various R & D projects and done field work in this country and Mexico. I have investigated what is being called "food modernity", focusing on the set of technological, economic, political and social transformations that determine current ways of eating and on the relationship between food, gender and social inequality, focusing on the study in The so-called eating disorders and obesity.. Main publications Here.
Anthropologist and nurse. Master in Medical Anthropology and International Health and Ph.D on Anthropology from the University Rovira i Virgili (URV). She is currently a lecturer and member of the Medical Anthropology Research Center of the URV. Since 2003 he has participated in different R & D projects on food and health. She has been a visiting professor at the School of healthcare at the University of Leeds, visiting fellowship at the University of Durham in the UK and a visiting scholar at the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSR) at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Her publications include "Identity, emotions and the language of the body", Medische Antropologia: 21 (1), 2009; No comerás, GRACIA, M; COMELLES, JM (eds) Barcelona, Icaria, 2007 among others.
Holds a Ph.D in Social Anthropology at the University of Barcelona (2016) with a thesis as a result of an ethnographic research developed between 2008 and 2015 with the Kukama-Kukamiria population of Baix Marañón, Peru. She studied aquatic cosmology, fishing culture and socio-environmental conflict in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve and its area of influence. She has collaborated with public institutions and entities in conducting research on topics such as environment and international cooperation, women and prison, youth, childhood and mourning. She is currently coordinator of the Environmental Anthropology Network with Javier Escalera, and a member of the Research Group on Legal Anthropology of the Catalan Institute of Anthropology. She has worked as a teacher at the University of Lleida and currently she is adjunct professor at URV.
Degree in communication sciences. Master in Social Policies. PhD on Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) with a place of work at the Institute of High Social Studies (IDAES), National University of General San Martín (UNSAM). Professor of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication (FPyCS), National University of La Plata (UNLP). Argentina. Research on food, health, communication and public policy. Some of her publications are detailed below:
Demonte, F. (2016) Un análisis de las políticas sociales alimentarias en la Argentina reciente (2001-2008). Revista Población & Sociedad Vol. 23 (1): 5-43.
Demonte, F. (2015) Alimentación, Salud y Comunicación: hacia una agenda de investigación convergente en Argentina. Revista de Comunicación y Salud, Vol. 5: 80-95.
Demonte, F. (2013) La alimentación como problema en el espacio mediático: análisis de editoriales de la prensa gráfica argentina, 2002-2008. Revista Signo y Pensamiento XXXII (62): 82-97.
Demonte, F. (2011) La construcción de la malnutrición infantil en la prensa escrita argentina durante la crisis de 2001. Revista Salud Colectiva 7 (1): 53-71.
E-mail: flaviademonte(ELIMINAR)
PhD on Sociology (Univ. of Barcelona, UB, 2002) and Bachelor in Geography and History, speciality on Cultural Anthropology (UB, 1989). Postdoctoral Fulbright fellowship at Boston Univ. and Harvard Univ. (2003). Winner of XII Prize Batec ("beat") for Research and Educational Innovation, with the work Migrant children in the school (2009). She teaches at the URV since 2009. Editor of the Special Issue Journal of Social Service Research (2016), on aging and economic crisis. Coordinator of the Master on Medical Anthropology and Global Health, since 2016. Researcher in the COST Action IS1102 Social services, welfare state and places (2011-2016) and in the ongoing COST Action IS1402 Ageism, a multi-national interdisciplinary perspective. Member of the Chair of Housing and the Chair UNESCO for the Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue, of the URV. Currently she coordinates the European Project H2020: SoCaTel. A multi-stakeholder co-creation platform for better access to Long-Term Care services (2017-20).
E-mail: blanca.deusdad(ELIMINAR)
Holds a bachelor's degree in anthropology and sociology from the University of Buea (Cameroon) in 2003, has three masters in medical anthropology (University of Yaounde I, Cameroon - 2008), public health (Vilnius University, Lithuania - 2010), medical anthropology and international health (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain - 2013); Ph.D on anthropology by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2016). He is currently Post Doctoral Fellow at Food Action Research Center (FoodARC), Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax (Canada). His lines of research focus on the food security of disadvantaged populations in the developed world; Food and health; Analysis of health care systems; Needs assessment; International development, cooperation and the health of local populations.
Holds a PhD on Social and Cultural Anthropology (URV), Master in Social Gerontology (UAM) Postgraduate in Family Violence (URL). Director of the Master in International Cooperation and Development (URL). Stays in Ecuador, Mexico, Chile and Germany. Research lines in gerontology, gender, food and changes in management models. Researcher at several national and international universities. Latest publications:
García-Oliva, Montserrat (2017). La discriminació de les tres gràcies. Els processos d'estigmatització i discriminació en les trajectòries vitals de les persones amb excés de pes. Revista de Recerca i Desenvolupament. Ambato: Universitat Tècnica d'Ambato. Nombre 8. Pàg. 14-20. Recuperable a:
Mora, P. García-Oliva, M. i Morquillas, J. (2016) Hacia un model de gestió de les organitzacions no lucratives orientat a la excelencia.Revista Cerca. Nombre 17: 180-190.
She holds a degree in Nutrition. Ph.D on Food, Nutrition and Health. Adjunct Professor University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil). The research line has been developed around the socio-cultural study of food and health, having collaborated with various projects. Some of her main publications are:
CAMPOS, F. M.; PRADO, S.D.; FERREIRA, F. R.; KRAEMER, F. B. ( 2016) Food service in the scientific field of Food and Nutrition: Reflections about scientific conceptions and research. Revista de Nutrição , v.29, p.425 - 433, 2016.
KRAEMER, F. B.; Gracia-Arnaiz, M.; PRADO, S.D.; CARVALHO, M. C. V. S. (2015) A comida para o alívio do sofrimento social: restaurantes populares no Brasil e comedores sociales na Espanha In: Série Sabor Metrópole - Volume 4 - Alimentação e consumo de tecnologias. 1 ed. Curitiba: CRV, v.4, p. 385-408.
Dietitian-Nutritionist and Social and Cultural Anthropologist. Master in Medical Anthropology and International Health. She works with the Research Group on Medical Anthropology of DAFITS at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) since 2009 in the area of Food Anthropology. Her lines of research combine food, health, environment and their contexts. His latest publication is a book chapter, "Food Activism in Social Networks: From Security to Food Sovereignty in Times of" Crisis ". She is currently doing her PhD. on organic production and consumption in Mallorca
PhD on History (Cultural Anthropology) by the University of Barcelona (1982). He was director of the Department from 2001 to 2004. At the Rovira i Virgili University, also coordinator of the Master on Medical Anthropology and International Health (2006-2010) and the Master on Medical Anthropology and Global Health (2012-2016). Member of the steering committee of the Master on Youth and Society from its beginning (2008/09). From 2002 to 2012, coordinator of the NGO Grup IGIA, which works for reflection and interdisciplinary participation around drug addiction. In the research arena, he was pioneer in Spain in the use of biographical methodology, as well as study of youth groups and drug use. In addition to applied research and studies on health and drugs, he has outstanding works on youth culture and social exclusion. Adviser of public and private institutions for issues related to drug use and marginalization. Consultant for the European Union in various programs addressed to Latin America, as "Training Professionals Cono Sur" (1994-96) or "Cities and Drugs URB-AL" (1997-2000), among others.