Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Geomap on the socio-demographic situation of children who are victims of femicide

In the era of communication technologies, the need to incorporate virtual environments learning has been accentuated. Information and communication technologies (ICT) play an important role in educational and teaching innovation experiences, supporting the inclusion, monitoring and evaluation of new active, personalised and collaborative learning methodologies. ICT are also essential tools which, together with appropriate educational methodologies and materials, permit virtual, open and massive learning possible.

It is important to develop teaching resources in different formats to support the teaching-learning processes and to accompany students and teachers in this field.

FEMMAP is an interdisciplinary and professionalising project that implements an educational and pedagogical resource, linked to a line of research related to two subjects on legal protection and social intervention in gender-based violence. Both subjects are taught at the URV.

Collaborative design by students from the Undergraduate Programme in Computer Science, Social Work, and Law, and the Master's in Innovation in Social and Educational Intervention of a GEOMAP prototype that promotes more effective and innovative intervention strategies in the care and protection of victims of feminicide

The proposal is the result of a collaboration between two optional subjects from the URV's Undergraduate Programme in Computer Science, Undergraduate Programme in Law and the Undergraduate Programme in Social Work. The teaching staff have been interdisciplinary co-participating and sharing teaching methodologies through common training and learning sessions and activities. In addition, these teaching staff are members of consolidated research groups and projects on the subject.

We collaborate, both in research and teaching, with professionals in the field of intervention in gender-based violence with the aim of guaranteeing the impact of teaching in the training of future professionals; professionals who have to work on strengthening, guaranteeing and protecting the rights of victims of gender-based violence.

In this sense, this proposal is seen as a step forward in the training of future professionals in the legal and social work fields, implementing an innovative and transdisciplinary teaching methodology such as the hackathon, in collaboration with students from the Undergraduate Programme in Computer Science, Social Work and Law, and the URV's Master in Innovation in the social and educational intervention, to co-design a GEOMAP prototype in which students from different faculties and disciplines have to think together and collaborate in the creation of possible institutional responses to have an impact on the improvement of existing intervention strategies in the field of feminicide.

This task will involve searching for, analysing and comparing data on services, resources and procedures (among others) in different socio-legal contexts. This methodology will allow a constant collaborative work and will enable to work in different socio-educational and pedagogical contexts. In addition to the hackathon sessions, we have planned to hold several encounters with experts who, from a multidisciplinary perspective, will debate with the students the complexity of gender-based violence, so that the resulting product (GEOMAP prototype) is comprehensive and multidimensional.


Principal Investigator: Eva Zafra Aparici


Students from URV’s Undergraduate Programme in Computer Science, in Law, and in Social Work 

Students from the URV’s Master's Degree in Innovation in Social and Educational Intervention

Marta Álvarez Feijo (Fundación Salud y Comunidad)

John Devaney (U. of Edimburg)

Jordi Duch Gavaldà (URV)

Luciane Miranda (UNICAMP)

Núria Torres Rosell (URV)

María del Pilar Viteri Vera (U. de Guayaquil)


  • Call: Ajuts per a projectes d'innovació per a la millora de la qualitat docent en matèria de violència de gènere (INDOVIG 2023). Generalitat de Catalunya.

  • Reference: BDNS 716314

  • Period: 01/02/2024 - 31/08/2025