Name of the Project: Care matters. Gender impact on caregivers of elderly and dependent persons in times of Covid-19 Reference: UXXI-RH Call: Fondo Supera Covid-19 Santander-CSIC-CRUE Universidades Españolas Principal Researchers: Dolors Comas d'Argemir (URV, Coordinació) Sílvia Bofill-Poch (UB), Raquel Martínez-Buján (UAM), Marcela Jabbaz Churba (UV), Ana Lucía Hernández Cordero (UniZar), Matxalent Legarreta Iza (Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea), Jesús Sanz Abad (UCM), Carmen Gregorio Gil (UdG), Salvador Cayuela Sánchez (UdCLM), Juan Ignacio Rico Becerra (UdM) Period: 1/07/2020 a 30/06/2021 Related Projects: |
The aim of the research is to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the caregivers of elderly and dependent people, both at the family and community level, as well as in the occupational care sector.
We intend to reveal how the health crisis has affected care in the homes of the elderly and dependent, how home care services, personal assistance or residential services have been reorganized; how home and care employment has been affected, and how community initiatives have been generated or strengthened. It is important to give visibility to the difficulties that caregivers have had to face the health crisis, especially in the most vulnerable situations, but also the ways to cope with it based on creativity, empowerment and solidarity.
The impact of the project is focused on: 1) Make a diagnosis of the health crisis in caring for the elderly and dependents, 2) Make proposals to address the needs of greater social urgency among care workers, 3) Generate guidelines for planning the exit from the crisis with a gender perspective, giving visibility to the importance of social care, activating the benefits and services that are essential to care and dignifying the situation of care workers.
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