- Jordi Roca Girona (PI in charge of the research - GAS, DAFiTS, URV)
- Maria José Delor Bonfill (head and coordinator of the practice - Fundació Pere Mata)
- Carme Barrios Morilla (head of the practice - Fundació CHM Salut Mental)
- Ramona Torrens Bonet (GAS, DAFiTS, URV)
- Elisa Alegre Agís (GAS, UAB)
- Mamen Alfara Fibla (Pere Mata Foundation)
- Glòria Queralt Salvat (Pere Mata Foundation)
- Consol Franch Diaz (Pere Mata Foundation)
- Carme Barrios Morilla (CHM Mental Health Foundation)
- Eva Sabaté Abellán (CHM Mental Health Foundation)
- Marialba Llurba Cama (CHM Mental Health Foundation)
- Marc Llorente Muñoz (CHM Mental Health Foundation)