Manuel D'Hers published his article "Transitar la vejez en la migración inmóvil venezolana" in the Observatorio Venezolano de Migración, 2024.
Jordi Moreras was interviewed by Roger Segura to prepare his feature "Per què acomiadem els morts en 48 hores i no esperem més com fan al nord d'Europa". TV3, December 2024.
- Jordi Moreras Palenzuela participated in the conference 'Ritus i tradicions funeràries' at La Pedrera, and the newspaper Ara wrote an article about it entitled 'Acollir la diversitat, també al cementiri'. Ara, November 2024.
Manuel D'Hers was interviewed by Ávila Monserrate for the production of the podcast "Migración Inmóvil" (Episodi 11) in the series Diálogos con compromiso, November 2024.
Jordi Moreras participated in Xavier Solà's programme, entitled "Cóm acomiaden els difunts les diferents comunitats religioses?". Catalunya Ràdio, November 2024.
Marc Verdés i Oliva published his article "Pagesia i mort". Diari Segre, November 2024.
- Eva Zafra Aparici, PI of the FEMMINOR project, was interviewed by TV3 for a piece on the impact of femicide on families, Telenotícies TV3, November 2024
- Antoniu Llort was interviewed during the 3rd International Conference on Psychedelics about the results of the ibogaine clinical trial in which he participated, November 2024.
- Montserrat Soronellas was consulted by Diari de Tarragona for their article Solo tres de cada diez mujeres de menos de 40 años tienen hijos, Octubre 2024.
Marc Verdés i Oliva published his article "L'home de la C15". Diari Segre, October 2024.
- Martín Correa-Urquiza participated in the elaboration of the article ¿Podemos hacer humor sobre la salud mental? La risa como vía para normalizar el tema, El Periódico, Octubre 2024.
- Eva Miralles Siré, student at the Social Work Doctoral Programme, has been interviewed by the Diari de Tarragona for their article Prevenir el abuso: el respeto al cuerpo se aprende de bebé, September 2024.
Jordi Moreras was interviewed by Alba Tebar for her feature entitled "No hem de valorar el fet de ser repatriat com una manca d'integració a la societat catalana". Vilaweb, September 2024.
Marc Verdés i Oliva published his article "Carreteres nacionals", Diari Segre, September 2024.
Jordi Roca participated in the programme Via Lliure to talk about the "Amors d'estiu". RAC1, August 2024.
Marc Verdés i Oliva published his article "Lo tros". Diari Segre, July 2024.
- Eva Zafra Aparici, together with another specialist for the FEMMINOR project, were interviewed by the Diari de Tarragona for their dossier Violencia machista. Tarragona ya ha vivido este 2024 los mismos feminicidios que en todo el año pasado, July 2024.
- Eva Zafra Aparici was consulted by Diari de Tarragona for their article Ocho denuncias al día por violencia de género en Tarragona, July 2024.
- Eva Zafra Aparici was invited by the Departament d'Igualtat i Feminismes to give support and methodological guidance to the group of experts in male chauvinist assassinations of sons and daughters, and the different forms of vicarious violence, created in May. Press release, Igualtat i Feminismes, June 2024.
Marc Verdés i Oliva published his article "Però, de quin poble parleu?". Diari Segre, June 2024.
Marc Verdés i Oliva published his article "El retorn il·lustrat femení". Diari Segre, June 2024.
Jordi Moreras, along with Mustapha Aoulad Sellam, wrote the op-ed "Una memòria compartida", El Punt-Avui, June 2024.
- Giulia Campaioli participated on the webinar Indirect Swarming: the changing face of online harassment and its threat to democracy, organized by the EASA Applied Anthropology Network, June 2024.
- Eva Zafra Aparici was consulted during the International Conference Reptes jurídics d'atenció a la infància i a les dones víctimes de violència. diari Esclafit, June 2024.
- Coordinated by Blanca Deusdad, students of the subject 'Treball Social Gerontològic', in collaboration with the Associació de Familiars d'Alzheimer i altres demències of the Baix Camp, produced the video Gerontological Social Work - Service Learning Programme URV. June 2024.
- Martín Correa Urquiza was consulted by Ara for their article Nikosia, la ràdio contra l'estigma de la salut mental. June 2024.
- Interview to Martín Correa Urquiza: Martín Correa-Urquiza: "Sen curiosidade imos rematar sendo nunha sociedade zombi". Tempos Dixital, June 2024.
- Interview to Isabella Riccò and Claudia Anleu to present the research project AGORAge: Envellir en una comunitat cuidadora. MARC, May 2024.
- Interview to Marc Verdés on his intervention supervision the exhibition at the Museu del Blat de Cervera. Pòdcast Botiflers, 50. April, 2024.
- Isabella Riccò was consulted by CaféBabel for their article Empowering Inclusive Communities: Citizen Science Unites for Vulnerable Populations in Europe. Dec. 2023.
- Appearance of Martín Correa-Urquiza, PhD, in the Parliament of Catalonia, on December 1 to inform the Study Group on Mental Health and Addictions.
- Interview to Eva Miralles as a contributor with the Associació Famílies Abusos Sexuals Infantils Tarragona (AFASIT). Diari de Tarragona, Nov. 2023.
- Interview to Joan Prat: "M'he passat mitja vida estudiant les creences dels altres, i jo no en tinc de pròpies". Diari de Tarragona, Sept. 2023.
- Interview to Isabella Riccò as the coordinator of the European project AGORAge. Dietro le quinte del Pilot #7 AGORAge: una comunità in costruzione. August 2023.
- Eva Zafra, Laura Roman and Luz Marina Rodríguez were interviewed to present the FEMMINOR project (Catalunya Ràdio), June 2023.
- Presentation about the FEMMINOR project, with de Eva Zafra, Laura Roman and Luz Marina Rodríguez (Catalunya Ràdio), June 2023.
- Martín Correa-Urquiza was consulted by Ara (02/06/2023) for their article "Estem bojos, i què?"
- Appearance of Eva Zafra, PhD, in the Parliament of Catalonia, on 15 May at the conference on the Proposed law amending article 47 of Law 5/2008, of 24 April, on the right of women to eradicate male violence.
- Oriol Romaní was quoted in the article Reclaman mantener el modelo del Servicio de Adicciones y Salud Mental del hospital Sant Joan de Reus, La vanguardia, May 2023.
- Martín Correa-Urquiza was consulted by Ara (30/05/2023) for their article "Necessitem més famosos que surtin de l'armari de la salut mental".
- Dolors Comas d'Argemir published the article "Ciudades que cuidan" at Crítica Urbana. Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales, 28: 19-21.
- Ramona Torrens was interviewed a Tarragona Ràdio: "Tothom", May 2023.
- Jordi Roca participated to the podcast Tenemos que hablar". 3. Parejas binacionales (A vivir que son dos días, Cadena Ser) April 2023.
- Carmina Puig participated to the podcast: "Com Elles", April 2023.
- Manuel D'Hers was invited to present his essay "La 'migración inmóvil': extrañar Venezuela viviendo en Venezuela" at Cinco8, September 2022.
- Dolors Comas d'Argemir filmed the video "¿Qué son los cuidados informales?" at Medicina Televisión, in collaboration with the Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología.
- Interview to Dolors Comas by Patricia Morales, La Tercera (Chile), April 2023. "Dolors Comas, antropòloga y pionera en estudios de género y cuidados"
- Dolors Comas d'Argemir participated to the podcast "Rebre i tenir cura és una responsabilitat de tots", at Tarragona Ràdio, March 2023.
- Dolors Comas d'Argemir participated to the podcast "¡La ley de igualdad cumple 15 años!", al Canal En Clave feminista.
- Interview to Jaume Vallverdú, Buddhistdoor: "Los sueños de la perfección. Budismo y transhumanismo", Sept. 2022.
- Interview to Dolors Comas d'Argemir: «Después de más de 15 años desde la aprobación de la Ley de Dependencia, correspondería actualizarla y generar el derecho al cuidado», Ciudades que Cuidan. Observatorio, Sept. 2022.
- Dolors Comas participó en Escuela de Liderazgo por el Derecho de las Mujeres a la Ciudad y al Territorio, Universidad de Chile, Sept. 2022.
- Interview to Dolors Comas d'Argemir: "La cura com a sector femení", in Aquí Camp de Tarragona. Cadena Ser, Nov. 2022.
- Dolors Comas d'Argemir participated in the colloquium on "Cambio del modelo estatal de cuidados de larga duración", with Ángel Rodríguez, Nacho Álvarez, Pilar Rodríguez and Sandra Ezquerra. Servimedia TV (2022).
- Dolors Comas d'Argemir publishes the article "Per què cal canviar el model d'atenció a la dependència?" at Barcelona Metropolis (dossier La Ciutat de les Cures), 122: 32-34.
- Dolors Comas d'Argemir participated to the podcast: "Capsulletres: el podcast de la Facultat de Lletres de la URV - 50 anys. Episodi 8: Antropologia", Aug. 2022.
- Interview: "Dolors Comas: El cuidado no es un tema privado y de mujeres sino un asunto social y político". Puntoedu, PUCP, Aug. 2022.
- Dolors Comas d'Argemir published the article "La vejez hoy. Retos y cambios sociales", in Diario.es, June 2021.
- Gaspar Maza participated in the webinar: "Prevenir el racismo en el deporte" organised by Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, April 2021.
- "La clase turista: viajar no es lo que creen". news story and interview to Gaspar Maza. El periodico, July 2019.
- "Cuidar a los demás también es cosa de hombres", interview to Dolors Comas d'Argemir. Diari de Tarragona, Feb. 2019.
- La antropologia como instrumento , la salud como lente, interview to Oriol Romani, a Àltera-Revista de Antropologia. 2018
- "Todavía aceptamos de manera poco amistosa que el islam forme parte de nuestra comunidad" , interview to Jordi Moreras at Al rojo vivo, Aug., 2018.
- "La relació entre esport i espai públic", interview to Gaspar Maza. PublicSpace.Tools Barcelona, 2018.
- "Si tu me dices ven" news story related to research projects on gender roles and mixed couples published in La Vanguardia, June 2018.
- Projecte Europeu destinat a la millora de la gent gran; news story related to research project lead by Blanca Deusdad publishes in Diari MES, Jan. 2018.
- Dr. Honoris Causa pòstum Claudi Esteva; interview to Angel Martínez at TAC12, Nov. 2017.
- Els homes cuidadors comencen a fer-se lloc en el mercat laboral, report on the workshop "Homes cuidadors", noticiestgn, March 2017.
- "Ells també cuiden", news story related to research project Homes Cuidadors published in La Vanguardia, Oct. 2017.
- Entrevista d'Antoni Bassas a Susan DiGiacomo, videos of ARA newspaper, Nov. 2016.
- "Amores lejanos", interview to Jordi Roca in Mundo Babel, Radio 3, April 2016.