Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Verónica Anzil (URV postdoctoral fellow)

 She holds a BA in Anthropology from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina (1990). In June 1991 she completed the DEA in Sociology, orientation Sociologie de la Culture et du Changement Social, at the Université Paris VII-Jussieu (Paris, France). Years later, she completed the DEA in Urban Anthropology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain), and defended her PhD in 2012, obtaining the mention Excellent Cum laude, as well as the Extraordinary PhD Award. Her continuous involvement in various European and national projects allowed her to publish numerous articles in scientific journals of impact, book chapters, as well as participation in conferences and workshops. Editor of the scientific journal Arxiu d'Etnografia de Catalunya, she is also a member of the UNESCO Chair of Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean, at the URV. Her topics of interest are: transnational families, binational couples, international adoptions, national stereotypes, gender violence, identities.



Sandra Caponi (María Zambrano postdoctoral fellow)

PhD in Philosophy (Unicamp, 1992), Full Professor in the Department of Sociology and Political Science at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Senior Postdoctoral Fellow at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, EHESS (France). Research stay (2019) at the University of Buenos Aires-UBA (Argentina) and Université Paris Diderot- Paris VII (France). Coordinator of the Capes-Cofecub Project, with the Université de Paris-8- Vincennes- Saint-Denis, entitled: "The dissemination of expert knowledge in the field of childhood" (2019-2022). She is vice-president of the Brazilian Society of Bioethics - Santa Catarina Regional (SBB-SC). Ad hoc consultant for several scientific publications. She has been visiting professor at EHESS (Paris-France), the National University of Colombia, the National University of Rosario (Argentina) and College de France. She has published several books, including: De la compaixão à solidariedade: uma genealogia da assistencia médica (2000), Loucos e Degenerados : uma genealogía de la psiquiatría ampliada (2012), Uma sala tranquila: neurolépticos para uma biopolítica da indiferença, (2019). She is International Institutional Ambassador of the Faculty of Psychology of the National University of Rosario, Argentina.

Research interests: Epistemology and History of Psychiatry, History of Medicine and epidemics, Sociology of Health, Bioethics.
